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samedi 31 janvier 2015

My greatest moments in Philippines #GV2015

Three weeks ago have passed after our trip in Cebu. I'm saying now that it's important for me to immortalise through my blog (unless it will be blocked or hacked, anyway) the wonderful sixth Summit of Global Voices which took place in Cebu; the second largest city in The Philippines from January 22 to 26. This summit coincided with the 10th anniversary of Global Voices. Of course, such big and enriching event remains unforgettable for me. As I have so many things to share, I write in this first blog the greatest moments I have had the opportunity to live during the summit. I insert some tweets #GV2015 after each paragraphs.

(the co-founders of Global Voices! Rebecca MacKinnon, Ethan Zuckerman )

So, let me now reveal you my feeling about this summit which the preparation was undoubtely impeccable, it's sure that most of us in Cebu were satisfied and experienced an enjoyable moments. Many wonderful and fantastic moments had happened during the event, I'm going to enumerate some of them.  

Gabriela, GV member tweeted: she had spent an incredible journey:

Welcoming party:
Upon our arrival at the airport of Cebu, we were very excited and delighted when we were received by a welcoming song saying "Welcome to Cebu Global Voices", the best moment has began there. Then, a shuttle took us to the luxurious hotel "Harolds" where the staffs were all professional and friendly. Yes, we felt like an important customers during our housing in the hotel.Without forgetting their delicious various foods :) 

(Welcoming party at Cebu airport)

Rewarding encounters:
The most important and the most awaited moment of GV members has been the encounters of the GVer fellows from all corners of the world. When arriving in airport of Manilla, we already met some GV members such Leila, Gershum, I fan Lin. The cool things were that we have been able to recognise the face of each other. Smile, excitement and happiness were seen in our face. Arriving in Harold Hotel, also very excited to meet the rest of  GVer ; most of the community met and had party time during Paula's birthday celebration. 

A meeting of different generations of people from across the wordl, said Rezwan in a tweet: 

(we had fun and solidarity could feel in our face and gesture)
(Lingua editors team)

Learning and sharing moments:
The main reason of the summit was the series of conference, panels, workshops and discussions where many topics were on the agenda, from Protecting the open internet to how people took on their governement in 2014; from social media and protest movements to Google tools for journalists; as well as how participatory media informs and origanizes during and after a natural disaster and so on. 

Ideas from many knowledgeable people had been emerging during these sessions, allowing the others to learn many things. Some of the attractive discussions I enjoyed the most where when the 2 co-founders of Global-Voices asked us to form a group and discuss about how the Global Voices will be if it has to begun now. And also the panel run by Eddie presenting some of the innovative projects of  Rising voices: Girls Activists of Kyrgyzstan

(Girls Activists of Kyrgyzstan)


Old Cebu:
During our free afternoon activity, some of the member choose to go to Old Cebu quarters in the downtown and do a walking tour to visit some famous and historic heritage monuments and churches of Cebu, an occasion to discover the Cathedral Museum with its architecture, Old Jesuit House, Cebu Metropolitan Catheral, Carbon Market, Basilica Minore Del Santo, Cathedral Museum of Cebu. It's better to notice that Philippines is one of two predominantly Catholic nations in Asia (the other being East Timor) and the third largest Catholic country in the world.
Monajem showing the bottle of water in the bus to Old Cebu:

(Magellan's Cross)
(Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral )

Secret Summiteer:
This is among the funny and lovely activity of the summit, you are assigned to give a gift to one person (a secret match ) you  didn't know in advance and you need to do some detective work before the Summit to know more about him/her. In the other hand; another person has also been assigned to you or you have no idea about who is he/she And it was really fun because
Pakistan meets Bolivia as part of the secret summiteer :

(Me and Rami Al Hames from Brazil)
(Me and Sarah Myers West from California, she is my secret match)

10th anniversary of GV:
The last but not the least was the celebration of the 10 years of GV,  a big moment that many was waiting for after days of working and participating in panels. We held the party at a Museum where we had the occasion to admire a spectacle of songs and traditionnal dances. Everyone was dancing and eating after the cultural show perfomed by the Filipino students. It was a moment of  showing and building solidarity; we had really fun and it showed how great and convivial all GV member are.

(10 anniversary of GV)
(tradionnal dancing of Cebu)

Once again, many thanks to all the organizers. And, I am totally grateful to the entire local team for the warm welcome we have received; it was undoubtedly a memorable stay.
 Always proud to be GVer, I wish long life to GlobalVoices and may we achieve our precious common goals.
Thank you all and hope to see you again :). Salamat (Misaotra @ teny gasy)

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