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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est politics. Afficher tous les articles

jeudi 15 janvier 2015

New Year Greetings of Madagascar's President in Iavoloha

New year is an opportunity for everyone to wish a year filled with happiness, health and success to one another. It is also with joy that I send my best wishes of happiness, health and prosperity to all my readers. I don't promise great things in my blog for this year but I will strive to write interesting posts when having time, you know, how busy a mother with children is, in addition of the various responsability we have to honor :)

The usual new year greeting ceremony was held at Iavoloha palace in Antananarivo on Friday 9th January where the president of Madagascar sends its wishes to the Malagasy people on the occasion of  New Year 2015 and to present his various projects for the new year. The 4 formers leaders of Madagascar has received an invitation, so the ceremony was marked by the presence of Marc Ravalomanana and Didier Ratsiraka, but both Zafy Albert and the former trasitional president Andry Rajoelina didn't come to the event. Yet .the presence of the 2 formers head of state shows their willingness to appeasement and to unite as part of the national reconciliation. Let's hope that. 

During his speech, the president recognises that 7 out of 10 Malagasy live in abject poverty. 
As always, the president offers a salary increase of 7% to the civil servants and also promises housing construction project to them. Many private sector employees wonder about their case; which the minimum wage (SMIG) of  Malagasy people is 124.243 Ar for the non-agricultural sector and 126.000 Ar for the agricultural sector, which means that the population still living below the poverty line; living on less than $1,5 per day.

Again, the president promises a lot of things with his various social and economic projects, as some says that such promises is not unusual,  let'see and wait if the president will really honor all of these some of the promises mentionned above, and let's hope he'll keep his promises:

-Recruitment of FRAM teachers will continue this year.
-Zero tolerance against natural resources traffic, including rosewood
- Rehabilitation and construction of classrooms
- Rehabilitation and reopening of basic health center 
-Protection of fisheries and marine resources. Fight against maritime piracy , and many more 

The president also states that this year will be a year of sanitation and cleanliness: garbage removal in large cities and towns. Hoping these promises will be implemented on time for the welfare of the population and the ongoing national reconciliation will have a good results.. What people wishes so much is to get out of poverty as soon as possible its country; Madagascar.

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