jeudi 14 juin 2012

GlobalVoices Summit 2012

     The Malagasy language of Madagascar is among languages we can read at GlobalVoices OnlineGlobal Voices is a media online in which a community of bloggers (volunteer authors, editors, translators,...) around the world work together to bring us information and stories across the globe, from blogs and citizen media everywhere, those international team emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media. Another GV's mission is to "give voice to the underrepresented". GlobalVoices's slogan is "The word is talking, Are you listening?"


Global Voices will held a summit in Nairobi, Kenya on 29 June to July 4, 2012. The Global Voices Summit 2012 invites everyone involved in citizen media like bloggers, activists and technlologists, scholars for public discussions and workshops concerning the rise of online citizen media movements worlwide, in a public gathering. The main conference theme is “The Global Rise of Online Citizen Media.” It's to examine how social media has become such a powerful tool for change around the world. What are the new opportunities, and where will we go next? and how the internet can be a great tool for advocacy. More information about Preliminary Summit Program Now Online is available.

It will be an event which every summiter will talk and discuss about the issues of citizen media or media online. There will also be a private gathering of Global Voices contributors preceeding the Summit (June 29, 2012 to July 1st, 2012). During that internal meetings, authors, translators and contributors of Global Voices will discuss about many topics like online tools, strategies for objective translation, blogger safety and so on, the goal is to improve and promote the use of online tool and to view GlobalVoice’s future.

It ‘s worth to remind that during the last Global Voices Summit in Santiago, Chile on May 2010, it was 2 years ago, Madagascar was represented by 3 bloggers (Jentilisa and Avylavitra, both editors of GlobalVoices and Candy, a GV translator). For this outcoming summit in Kenya, Madagascar will have 2 representatives: Mamisoa "me",  a translator at GlobalVoices and again Jentilisa to attend the summit. We will cover as well the event through social media.

(Jentilisa, Avylavitra and Candy during GlobalVoices Summit 2010  in Chile)

AS I entered GlobalVoice’s community last year on March 2011, it will be my first summit and I’m very happy to be part of them who will attend the summit, it will be an opportunity for me not only to meet  all Global Voices' fellows present at the summit but also to take part in the discussion, to express about our commitment in Global Voices Lingua Malagasy and even to learn more from the others. Of course, I won't miss to visit the country with its famous safaris and diverse world-famous wildlife reserves such as National Park. 

As a member of translators in this big well-known media online,  a translation task is not easy at all, it involves a linguistic, it demands passion, more time and good knowledge in both languages english (the original text) and malagasy (text translated)  to ensure consistency of technical terminology, it's like all journalistics posts need to be reliabe (with hight quality content,..), objective and comprehensible. Don't forget to visit GlobalVoices Lingua Malagasy.


I won’t forget to bring us some information  after my trip, certainly with some photo that I’m planning to take during my journey. I ask God to give me a good health to be able attending this summit.

To know more about GlobalVoices, visit here

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