jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Global Voices has united us

This post was first published in the community blog of  Global Voices as part of the Global Voices's 10th anniversary.

My first encounter with Global Voices was a little "romantic" one. I met Global Voices for the first time when I went to the office of Jentilisa, the editor on Global Voices Lingua Malagasy, as we have worked together in the same company at that time. I saw him reading and doing something on his computer, and when I looked at his computer screen, I saw the words Global Voices, and came across by an article written by Lova Rakotomalala, which tittle was Françafrique casts shadow in Gabon, Madagascar, and Mauritania, and I have noticed that the article was translated in  malagasy, and when I read the article translated in malagasy, I was very impressed by the quality of malagasy language written by Jentilisa, which made me realize how beautiful and important our mother tongue is, because in our country [Madagascar], malagasy language is underestimated given the way that we are a country colonised by France, we use french language in almost private primary schools, we use french in an administrative documents like in courts, ministry, public institutions, and so on. Since then I'm interested to know more about Global Voices and asked Jentilisa to tell me about it.

Through his explanation, it is the first time I heard about blog or bloggers, and I was interested by that and especially by Global Voices as I love writing, I used to write a french post on my diary because I didn't have connection at home and didn't know yet about citizen media than through Global Voices. But as I want to continue reading posts on this eye-opening site [Global Voices], I asked Jentilisa if he would like to print some articles for me to read. As an answer, he asked me to come to his home if I want to read an article from Global Voices because he had connection at his home, and of course I agreed. I came regularly to his home to read some intersting posts from Global Voices sites, and of course it was also an opportunity for me to create my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Our relationship has strengthened since then, we finally get married. Since our wedding, I helped Jentilisa in his work as an editor of Global Voices, two months after, he has noticed some progress in my malagasy writing, and asked me if I want to be an official translator of Global Voices, of course, there is no reason to decline the offer, and I accepted with joy and pleasure. My first translation was Tunisia: Prime Minister Resigns Following a Bllod Saturday (Tonizia: Nametra-pialana ny praiministra taorian'ny vono-olona ny Asabotsy). And I was among the active translators in Global Voices Lingua Malagasy until now. Yes, I translate with passion and pleasure, not only it allows malagasy people to follow international news in malagasy language but especially to highlight the beauty of our language.

Since I have joined the community, a part of my life has changed, thanks to Global Voices I became aware of the importance of freedom of expression, of sharing ideas, which pushed and motivated me to create my blog in french, english, and malagasy; I found my other half :) ; I realized the importance in keeping, using, revitalising our mothertongue, and so many other wonderful things again. Yeah, Global Voices is undoubtedly amazing, it's a kind of blessing for me and one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am very proud of being member of it, I wish many more prosperous years for the community and its members.

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